Stop being a Fanboy
There will always be a friend to guide you in choosing a right product. Some times they will suggest you with the pros and cons of their favorite product and finally you will end up with a better choice. This shows the character of a healthy Fanboy attitude. If the same guy suggest you a product or a Brand every time and urge you to try them, this is a typical Fanboy mentality which we come across everyday. POSITIVES WITH THE FANBOYS - Fanboys are not made in a day. Unless the brand satisfies a person and retains their fan base for years, These Fanboy stuffs never works out. - Fanboys are sometimes right and you will get to know about the unique brand value and features only through them. But in an exaggerated manner 😅 I myself behaved like a Fanboy many times, suggested the pros of my favorite gadgets and started convincing my friends..... Later I realized that The needs differs from person to person. User should be free to choose their needs. Yupp... there are wor...