Stop being a Fanboy

There will always be a friend to guide you in choosing a right product. Some times they will suggest you with the pros and cons of their favorite product and finally you will end up with a better choice. This shows the character of a healthy Fanboy attitude.

If the same guy suggest you a product or a Brand every time and urge you to try them, this is a typical Fanboy mentality which we come across everyday.

- Fanboys are not made in a day. Unless the brand satisfies a person and retains their fan base for years, These Fanboy stuffs never works out.
- Fanboys are sometimes right and you will get to know about the unique brand value and features only through them. But in an exaggerated manner 😅

I myself behaved like a Fanboy many times, suggested the pros of my favorite gadgets and started convincing my friends..... Later I realized that The needs differs from person to person. User should be free to choose their needs.

Yupp... there are worst sides too.. From the Colleague's conversations to social media, Fanboys gets offended for no reason and starts defending their brand. I can help you with few ideas to avoid such situations.

- "Keep calm and say Ahaan"  is a powerful tool to evade such situation. It depends on the tone you respond based on your Junior/Senior.
- If you are wiser, just get the pros and cons from them and justify your suggestion to them politely.
- If you are not wise enough to dodge such situation, stick to the vintage reasons. "You are running out of money or you got another one for a better deal".
- Fanboys might be right some times. even if they annoy you, just consider, think about their suggestions and arrive with a solution. Always be clear that the Fanboys' conversation doesn't affect your bonding/Friendship.
- Inform about your brand preference and requirements beforehand when asking for a suggestion. This will lead you for a smooth conversation.

If you have some better ideas to escape from Fanboys, please feel free to share your suggestions in comments. I will try them too..😇


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